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Title:Poslovni načrt za ustanovitev butične turistične agencije
Authors:ID Jaklič, Nejc (Author)
ID Pompe, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 415$$dipl.delo_nejc_jaklic_poslovni_nacrt_za_ustanovitev_buticne_turisticne_agencije_popravljeno_15.11.17.pdf (1,52 MB)
MD5: F720AB594EDF201E5851A8B6975DDAA7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Podjetniški tim je prepoznal priložnost na področju zelenega, trajnostnega in doživljajskega turizma ter se odločil idejo realizirati in zato ustanoviti turistično agencijo EM Tourism. Oblikovana sta bila dva produkta, ki ju bo agencija tržila kot edinstvena, saj bosta prilagojena željam posameznih strank. Agencija se v svojih strategijah, trženjski in marketinški, usmerja na tuje trge, medtem ko se bodo vse aktivnosti in doživetja izvajale v JV Sloveniji. V diplomskem delu sem izdelal poslovni načrt za odprtje butične turistične agencije EM Tourism, ki bo služil kot vodnik pri uresničevanju prepoznane ideje. V poslovnem načrtu sem potrdil domnevo, da obstaja dovolj velik bazen kupcev, ki jih zanimajo naše storitve in da je takšna agencija potrebna, kar predstavlja prvi cilj. Drugi cilj je bil definirati potrebne korake, da bo poslovni načrt služil kot pomoč in vodilo k uresničevanju ideje. Poslovni načrt vsebuje vse potrebne elemente od preverjanja potenciala, definiranja ciljnih skupin do oblikovanja tržnih poti in finančnih projekcij. Skozi poslovni načrt sem prišel do ugotovitve, da je odprtje takšne turistične agencije smotrna odločitev.
Keywords:butična turistična agencija, turizem, tuji trgi, poslovni načrt, prilagojena ponudba
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Jaklič]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-2664 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513661570 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:23.12.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:An entrepreneurial team recognized an opportunity in the field of green, sustainable and experiential tourism, and decided to realize their idea. Therefore, they established EM Tourism travel agency. Two products were created and will be marketed as unique by the agency since they will be customized to meet the specific wishes of individual clients. Regarding its marketing strategy, the agency focuses on foreign markets, whereas all its activities and experiences will be carried out in southeastern Slovenia. In this undergraduate thesis I prepared a business plan for the launch of EM Tourism boutique travel agency serving as a guidebook for implementing the identified idea. In my business plan I achieved the first goal and confirmed the assumption that there exists a large enough pool of consumers interested in our services, meaning that such travel agency is needed. The second goal was to define the necessary steps to make this business plan serve as a guidebook and a manual for the realization of the idea. The business plan contains all the necessary elements, from verifying the potential and defining target groups to forming marketing channels and financial projections. Regarding this business plan, I came to the conclusion that the opening of such travel agency is a prudent decision.
Keywords:boutique travel agency, tourism, foreign markets, business plan, customized offer
