Repozitorij samostojnih visokošolskih in višješolskih izobraževalnih organizacij

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Avtorji:ID Sučević, Iva (Avtor)
ID Veljić, Irma (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
Datoteke:.pdf 488$$iva_sucevic_diplomska_naloga_fizioterapevtika_2020.pdf (1,25 MB)
MD5: 15366D8CE5FC9EBD2202FBFB40DA15E8
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FIZIOTERAPEVTIKA - Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Opis:Komunikacija postaja vse pomembnejši element za uspešno delo fizioterapevtov. V rehabilitacijskem procesu lahko neuspešna komunikacija vodi do številnih nesporazumov, ki lahko povzročajo neprijetne posledice tako za pacienta kot za fizioterapevta. Da bi pacientu omogočili kakovostno obravnavo in s tem uresničevanje zastavljenih ciljev rehabilitacije, je zelo pomembno zavedanje pomena uspešne komunikacije. Namen diplomske naloge je bil analizirati dejstvo, kako komunikacija vpliva na izid rehabilitacije; ali uspešna komunikacija ustvarja placebo učinek na pacienta, kako fizioterapevti komunicirajo in rešujejo konflikte z njimi, kako motivirajo le-te za sodelovanje v rehabilitacijskem procesu. Pridobljene podatke smo dobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultate smo prikazali z grafi in jih nato interpretirali. 48 ali 63,16 % anketirancev meni, da s pacientom vedno komunicirajo učinkovito oziroma kakovostno, 74 ali 97,37 %, da komunikacija vpliva na potek in izid rehabilitacije pacienta. 65 ali 85,53 % jih z nebesedno komunikacijo pacienta dobi veliko informacij. Podporni način komuniciranja v pogovoru s pacientom vedno uporablja 53 ali 69,74 % anketiranih fizioterapevtov. Komunikacija s svojci pacienta je v procesu rehabilitacije zelo pomembna za 68 ali 89,47% anketirancev, vendar jih večina 32 ali 42,11% le včasih komunicira s svojci pacienta. Da uspešna komunikacija motivira pacienta, spodbuja pacienta k dejavni vključitvi v proces rehabilitacije in pacientu daje občutek nadzora položaja in lastnega stanja, je izbralo 60 ali 78,95 % anketirancev. 100 % anketirancev svojo komunikacijo prilagaja pacientovim potrebam in možnostim. S pozitivno komunikacijo in s prijazno razlago poteka rehabilitacije pacientovo zaupanje pridobi 100 % anketirancev. 73 ali 96,05 % se jih strinja, trije ali 3,95 % se jih s trditvijo, da sta pri motiviranih pacientih potek in izid rehabilitacije uspešnejša, ne strinja. Vsi informacije o zdravstvenem stanju pacienta izmenjujejo v timu. 63 ali 82,89% se v konfliktih situacijah s pacientom znajde redko. Ko pa do takšnih situacij pride, jih večina rešuje s pozitivnim, umirjenim pogovorom. Strokovne izraze v komunikaciji s pacientom včasih uporablja 48 ali 63,16%. 58 ali 76,32 % anketirancev je navedlo, da dodatna izobraževanja o komunikacijskih veščinah niso potrebna, 18 ali 23,68 % jih meni, da bi bila takšna izobraževanja potrebna. Komunikacija med fizioterapevtom in pacientom mora biti usmerjena predvsem v razvoj takšnih medosebnih odnosov, ki bodo motivirali paciente za redno in dejavno vključenost na obravnavah, ter upoštevanje nasvetov in navodil. Pomembno je, da se fizioterapevti zavedajo, kolikšen pomen ima komunikacija v rehabilitacijskem procesu, in da so izobraževanja o komunikacijskih veščinah potrebna, tako med študijem kakor tudi kasneje.
Ključne besede:komunikacija v zdravstvu, rehabilitacija, fizioterapija, pacient, placebo učinek
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6763 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:26301955 Novo okno
Datum objave v ReVIS:28.07.2020
Število ogledov:3311
Število prenosov:308
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:Communication is becoming an increasingly important precondition for effective work of physiotherapists. In the rehabilitation process, poor communication can lead to a number of misunderstandings that can result in unpleasant consequences for both the patient and the physiotherapist. In order to enable the patient to receive quality treatment and thus achieve the set goals of rehabilitation, it is very important to be aware of the significance of successful communication. The purpose of the graduation thesis was to analyse the effects of communication on the outcome of rehabilitation; whether successful communication creates the placebo effect on the patient, how physiotherapists communicate and resolve conflicts with the patient, how they encourage the patients to take an active part in the rehabilitation process. The collected data were obtained by means of a survey questionnaire. The results were presented in the form of graphs followed by interpretation. 48 or 63.16% of the respondents believe that they always communicate with the patients efficiently or in a quality manner, 74 or 97.37% believe that communication affects the course and outcome of the patients' rehabilitation. 65 or 85.53% of them receive a lot of information through non-verbal communication of the patient. The supportive method of communication with the patient is always used by 53 or 69.74% of the responding physiotherapists. According to 68, or 89.47% of the respondents, communication with the patient's family members is of great importance during the rehabilitation process, and 32 or 42.11% only occasionally communicate with the patient's family members. 60 or 78.95% of the respondents chose that successful communication motivates the patient, encourages the patient to take an active part in the rehabilitation process and gives the patient a sense of control over the situation and his own condition. 100% of the respondents adapt their communication to the patient's needs and possibilities. By means of positive communication and a friendly explanation of the course of rehabilitation, 100% of the respondents gain the patient's trust. 73 or 96.05% of the respondents agree and 3 or 3.95% disagree with the statement that the course and outcome of rehabilitation are more successful in motivated patients. All information about the patient's health is shared in the team. 63 or 82.89% of the respondents rarely find themselves in conflict situations with the patient. However, when such situations arise, most of the physiotherapists resolve them with positive, calm conversation. Professional terms are sometimes used by 48 or 63.16% in communication with the patient. 58 or 76.32% of respondents think that additional training on communication skills is not necessary, and 18 or 23.68% of them believe that such training would be necessary. Communication between the physiotherapist and the patient should be focused primarily on the development of such interpersonal relationships that would motivate patients to be regularly and actively involved in treatments, and to follow advice and instructions. It is important that physiotherapists are aware of the importance of communication in the rehabilitation process, and that communication skills education is needed, both during and after their studies.
Ključne besede:communication in healthcare, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, patient, the placebo effect
