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Naslov:Studim i faktorëve që ndikojnë në çmimin e banesave në Prishtinë : bachelor thesis
Avtorji:ID Blakaj, Taulant (Avtor)
ID Hoxha, Visar (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
Datoteke:.pdf RAZ_Blakaj_Taulant_i2020.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: 7FE0505BB78A592D98F5678D105DA9F5
Jezik:Neznan jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Delo zaključne refleksije študija
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - Evropska pravna fakulteta
Ključne besede:influencing factors, housing price, property valuation, real estate, real estate market
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Kraj izvedbe:Ljubljana
Založnik:[T. Blakaj]
Leto izida:2020
Leto izvedbe:2020
Št. strani:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7875 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:70413571 Novo okno
Opomba:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 15. 7. 2021;
Datum objave v ReVIS:23.07.2021
Število ogledov:1690
Število prenosov:63
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:The real estate, land and buildings, are among the most valuable assets of each country and individual. Furthermore, it is one of the most attractive fields of investment. For a potential investor, the real estate is attractive first of all because it offers capital increase in the long run, and secondly, because the real estate is a strong barrier to inflation. . To do this research, we focused on three areas of Prishtina, which were: City Center, Ulpiana neighborhood and Mati 1. For these three areas, we have considered 15 transaction contracts and current market offers per each. We have classified all this information for each residential unit in the Excel program, where we have distinguished them by the distance to City Center, the surface of that specific apartment, Termokos, and the year of construction. All this data is retrieved and then processed in the statistics program SPPS. In conclusion, the results we have obtained have shown us the main factors and their influence in the price of an apartment, also the hypothesis whether the location is the main factor affecting the apartment price has been confirmed. It is worth mentioning that based on the results, Termokos (city heating system) has a crucial role in determining the price of an apartment
