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Title:Pomembnost prvega vtisa za kupca : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve stopnje
Authors:ID Kosmač, Damjana (Author)
ID Kovačič, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Kosmac_Damjana_i2017.pdf (857,87 KB)
MD5: ECF2ED07D46808F72A3F5E479FBCF103
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Prodaja blaga in storitev se je v zadnjih letih močno spremenila. V letih se je na trgu razvilo veliko ponudnikov blaga in storitev, med katerimi lahko potrošniki izbirajo. Zaradi močne konkurence na trgu je ponudnikom postalo pomembno, da kupcem ponudijo nekaj več. Več kot le dobro ceno in kvaliteto. S kupcem se trudijo stkati dolgotrajen odnos, saj bodo le na ta način preprečili, da bi potrošnik ob naslednjem nakupu odšel k konkurenci. Pri prodaji je pomemben vsak korak prodajnega postopka, še najbolj pa je pomemben prvi vtis poslovalnice in prodajnega osebja. Prvi vtis je pomemben tako na poslovnem področju kot tudi v zasebnem življenju, saj ga je vedno težko spremeniti. Raziskave so namreč pokazale, da si prvi vtis o nekom ustvarimo v prvih sekundah, ko ga spoznamo, in ta vtis vpliva na to, ali ga želimo bolje spoznati ali ne. Potrošnikom je všeč, če je prodajno osebje vizualno urejeno, izobraženo, prijazno ter predano svojemu delu. Poleg prodajnega osebja pa jim je pomembna tudi zunanja in notranja urejenost prodajalne. Zunanjost je tista, ki komunicira s potrošniki, da sploh vstopijo v poslovalnico, notranjost pa mora biti načrtno urejena, saj mora biti oblikovana tako, da pritegne pozornost kupca in ga opogumlja, da se začne zanimati za razstavljene izdelke. Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotovili, v koliko je kupcem pomemben prvi vtis, ki ga ustvarita prodajalec in prodajalno mesto ter kolikšno vlogo ima urejenost prodajalcev in prodajalne pri njihovem nakupnem odločanju. To smo z izvedeno raziskavo tudi ugotovili. Rezultati so nas pripeljali do ugotovitev, da je kupcem pomemben pozdrav ter urejenost prodajalca in prodajalne, ter da na nakupno odločanje najbolj vpliva nevljudnost prodajalca ter slab prvi vtis.
Keywords:prodajalci, potrošniki, prvi vtis, prodajni postopki, prodajni prostori, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[D. Kosmač]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:48 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8065 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4850427 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:The sales of goods and services changed significantly in the past years. Many service and goods providers, which consumers can choose from, have developed over the years. As the competition on the market is becoming fiercer, the providers’ need to offer their customers something more than just a good price and quality is growing stronger. They seek to develop a long-term relationship with their customers in order to prevent them from choosing their competition for their next purchase. In sales, the sales process itself is vital. However, the most significant factor is the first impression the branch office and the sales personnel make. First impressions are important in every field of work or life, as a first impression is rarely changed. Research has shown that the first impression is made within a few seconds of the meeting a person and it affects our wish to get to know her better. Costumers like the sales personnel to be well-groomed, educated, kind and devoted to their work. Also, the exterior and interior arrangement of the store is important and they have to be designed to attract the consumers’ attention. The exterior communicates an invitation to the costumers to enter the store and the interior encourages them to show interest in the products on display. The main goal of our diploma is to determine the significance of the the first impression, the customer gets from the sales personnel, the arrangement of the store and the role of it's neatness with the customer's purchasing decisions. The results of the study are following; the purchasing decision is mostly affected by the impoliteness and bad first impression of the sales personnel. The customers also appreciate well-groomed sales personnel and the tidiness of the store.
