Repository of colleges and higher education institutions

New documents in ReVIS:

20.12.2024UAMEUotherPoznavanje prve pomoči ob sumu na poškodbo hrbtenice med laiki
20.12.2024VISTotherRedundanca v fotografiji
20.12.2024VISTotherPogledi vsakdana
20.12.2024VISTotherKirlianova fotografija: izdelava kamere, študija vplivov na fotografijo korone žive in nežive materije ter avtorska serija
20.12.2024UAMEUotherVpliv depresije na življenje mladostnikov
20.12.2024VISTotherGnus v fotografski podobi znotraj (izdelanega) prostora
20.12.2024FKPVotherMotiviranost in zadovoljstvo z delom pri zaposlenih v turizmu v Avstriji
20.12.2024FKPVotherVpliv epidemije COVID-19 na uporabo videokonferenčnih sistemov v podjetju X
20.12.2024VISTotherSocialni prostor in fotografska podoba Primer povezovanja fizičnega in virtualnega prostora v interaktivni fotografski razstavi
20.12.2024VISTotherIndijska fotografija

The table bellow shows members of repozitory of ReVIS. Number of works inlude only works with full text (with files) in all languages. New works are all works, published in last 30 days. Table cells with Magnifying glass start with a search, while cells with RSS enable RSS subscription.

OrganisationArticles and other component parts Monographs and other completed worksPerformed works (events) All
AREMA - AREMA - Academy for logistic and management, Rogaška Slatina        
AVA - Academy of Visual Arts        
B&B - B&B izobraževanje in usposabljanje d.o.o.        
BCN - Naklo Biotechnical Center12  3
BIC LJ - Biotechnical Educational Centre Ljubljana        
EMUNI - Euro-Mediterranean University        
EŠNM-VŠŠ - School of Economics Novo mesto, Vocational College        
EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law  5  5
FD - Faculty of design, independent higher education institution  7  7
FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies  6  6
FINI - Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Novo mesto  11  11
FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto  12  12
FKPV - Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences  60  60
FOŠ - Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto  17  17
FSMŠ - Nova Univerza - Faculty of Slovenian and Internationa studies        
FUDS - School of advanced social studies00  0
FZAB - Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care00  0
GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship01  1
GRM-NM - Grm Novo mesto – Centre of Biotechnics and Tourism, Higher Vocational College  0  0
IBS - IBS International Business School Ljubljana  11  11
IC-M - Educational center Memory        
MFDPŠ - International School for Social and Business Studies010  10
MLC - MLC Management and Law College Ljubljana        
ŠC KRANJ - School centre Kranj        
ŠCNM - School center Novo mesto  0  0
ŠCSKS - School centre Srečka Kosovela Sežana        
TŠCMB - Maribor Technical School Center        
UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University   18  18
UNM - University of Novo mesto0    0
UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics5    5
UNM FPUV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Bussines and Managament Sciences70  7
UNM FS - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Mechanical engineering00  0
UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences00  0
VIST - Faculty of Aplied Science  10  10
VPŠMB - Višja prometna šola Maribor        
VSS-ESCE - Vocational College Celje School of Economics        
VSŠ-ŠCLJ - School center Ljubljana - Vocational college        
VSŠESMS - School of economics Muska Sobota         
VŠGI - College of civil engineering Kranj        
VŠPI - College of Industrial Engineering        
VŠPV - Ljubljana School of Business  0  0
VŠR - College of Accounting and Finance        
VŠŠCSG - Higher Vocational College School Center Slovenj Gradec        
VŠTL - Visoka šola za transport in logistiko        
VŠVO - Environmental Protection College        
VŠZV SG - University College of Health Sciences Slovenj Gradec        
VZŠCE - College of Nursing in Celje  0  0
All *8174  182
Last update: 21.12.2024
* Values in this table cannot be just added up, since a single work can be published in multiple organizations.